Tag Archives: Instagram

Instagram Friday

While I was sewing my placemats at my parent’s house, I had to take a quick break to snap a few shots of this Rose Mallow in their garden. These plants are part of the Hibiscus family (love those!), and the blossoms are incredible. This one was larger than my head, probably about 10 inches in diameter! How can you help but smile when you see one of these enormous blossoms!?

Even the buds are huge! Like the size of golf balls!

And here’s a Gerbera from my backyard – I love this bright red-pink color!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Instagram Friday

Just thought I’d capture a few little characters around the house, inspired by the new ones we added to the mix last weekend.

Funny story about these ladies — I was actually in Moscow in 2010, but had no opportunities to go shopping or see the sights (even though I was staying a mile away from Red Square). I didn’t even have the chance to browse the airport shops. Later that year, my parents were in Alaska, and found this Matroyshka set in an authentic Russian store. So she bought them for me as a “consolation prize” for not getting to shop for my own set in Moscow!

I bought a set of these tea light birdies on clearance at Pier 1 a few years ago. They were too cute to pass up, and the price was great!

You can follow me on Instagram @onuwriter06

Have a wonderful weekend! I am planning some crafty projects, so check back in next week to see how they turned out!

Instagram Sunday

I realized the other day that I forgot to write my Friday Instagram installment. Ooops! So, please accept an Instagram Sunday post in its place!

a bug’s eye view of our zucchini plant

the last of the hydrangea blooms

a cloudy Sunday

You can follow me on Instagram @onuwriter06

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and are looking forward to a short holiday week ahead! I’m hoping to get a mini blog project (or two!) completed, but we’ll see how that goes!




Instagram Friday

Happy Friday!

Hope you all have a fun weekend planned! I’m treating myself to a little belated birthday mani-pedi tomorrow!

Our new “Aphrodite” Rose of Sharon tree recently began blooming. The flowers are a beautiful deep, rich pink. This Rose of Sharon is a relative of the Hibiscus – and I love how the blooms add a bit of a tropical feel to our front yard.


You can follow me on Instagram @onuwriter06