Tag Archives: Instagram

Home Sweet Cincinnati

As much as a long drive home can be boring, tedious, and literally painful, I always love when you get the first glimpse of “home.” Whether it’s a familiar highway exit, a “Welcome to ___” sign or, in our case, a view of the city skyline, there’s always something special that signifies what’s near and dear. Tom and I even went out of our way (kind of) to make sure we crossed the Ohio River to catch this glimpse of the skyline – we both agreed it was more eventful than taking the back-roads route home.

When we got home, I was excited to find that my veggie garden seems to be picking up. It’s the end of August and I’ve only harvested 2 cucumbers and 1 lonely little strawberry!But I was able to pick this assortment this week:

Yep, that’s a cantaloupe! I don’t think it’s quite ripe yet, but I’ll give it a couple of days on my kitchen counter and hopefully it will be ripe enough to eat! I can’t remember what type of tomatoes those are. I thought the smaller two were Romas, but they might just be some kind of salad tomato. I think the larger two are Brandywines. My notes got all jumbled when I transferred my seedlings into the ground. I’ll have to do a better job of tagging my plants next year!

What do you have planned for your weekend? I think I’ll be making some kind of tomato salad. And hopefully enjoying some fresh cantaloupe!

(You can follow me on Instagram @onuwriter06)

Oh, Deer!

Ever since we first scoped out our lot, we’ve seen a lot of wildlife in the area. From turkeys to deer to tree frogs, there’s all kinds of stuff out there!

Lately, we’ve seen twin fawns hanging out in our backyard. But this past weekend, we got a pretty close-up view of them, and figured out who’s been nibbling at our landscaping!

This was taken from our side yard – I was having a staring contest with them! They were only about 15-feet away from me!

Town and… Country?

Ok, we don’t really live in the country, but we do live a decent distance from downtown Cincinnati.

Anyway, I thought I’d send you all into the weekend with a few shots from around the city and around the “country”…

Cincinnati’s Carew Tower (it was a model for NY’s Empire State Building).

This view could make you dizzy!

Third time must be the charm. I’ve successfully killed at least 2 basil plants in my life. This one, however, appears to be thriving (hope I didn’t just jinx it!).

Homemade Caprese salad with fresh-picked basil (best enjoyed with a glass of a nice, chilled white).

You can follow me on Instagram @onuwriter06

Hope you have a fun weekend planned! I’m hoping to finally make some progress on my gallery wall project for our family room.