Category Archives: Bloggin’ Machine

Haven Conference Bound


Hello friends! I can barely contain my excitement today because… I’m headed to Haven Conference!! As you’re reading this, I’m on the road to Atlanta!

Wahooo!!!! I cannot wait to reunite with my bloggy friends, meet new ones, meet some awesome brands and soak up as much blogging and diy inspiration as possible! Whew! Something tells me I’m going to crash when I get home on Sunday 😉

If you’re not attending Haven, but want to live vicariously through me, follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to see what I’m up to! You can also search using the hashtag #havenconf to see what’s happening!

Have an awesome weekend, friends! I am sure I will have tons to share with you in the coming weeks!



2nd Blogiversary Bash

Two Purple Couches 2nd Blogiversary #blogiversary #giveaways #twopurplecouches That’s right, folks! Two Purple Couches is two!! And this is a pretty special celebration, because I have a fan-freaking-tastic giveaway for you! Remember how you used to get goodie bags at your friends’ parties when you were a kid? Well, this is like a super-awesome adult goodie bag, chock full of some of my most favorite things!

So, are you ready to parrrrrrrr-tayyy?

Because it’s the Two Purple Couches 2nd Blogiversary Bash! Continue reading