Tag Archives: gift ideas

Easy Gift Idea: Silver-Rimmed Bowls

diy lyrics on canvas

This is a super-simple diy that makes for a very easy gift idea. All you need is a small ceramic bowl, a paintbrush, and any paint of your choosing. I prefer metallics for this project, because it gives the look of a gilt edge and adds just a little bit of bling. Who doesn’t need a bit of bling?

Just paint the inside and/or outside edge of your bowl, let dry, and voila! A delightful little way to collect rings, earrings, perfume vials, lip glosses and balms, hair accessories, bracelets, office supplies, or any number of other small, loose items. I filled this one with hair bands to give to my friend for her birthday. I also use one to corral perfume and lip balm on my dresser.

diy gift idea


Sharing with: Creative Spark

Telling It Like It Is

If you don’t already know about the amazingness of Emily McDowell… well, I’m telling you now.. so pay attention and take notes! Or rather, just click this hyperlinked text and go check out her newly-launched/relaunched shop full of awesome-sauce greeting cards and prints.

Emily McDowell birthday card Emily McDowell greeting card Emily McDowell greeting card

You won’t regret it!

*I solemnly swear I am in no way affiliated with this site, nor was I paid to write this post. The opinions above are my own, about an awesome site/brand/product/artist that I want to share with you*

Brick By Brika


Have you heard of Brika? I just stumbled upon it via Pinterest the other day, and I am smitten. Here’s how the first meeting went down:

<click on pin for fun art print (you are the gin to my tonic); takes me to site that requires you to sign up to see the latest sales>

Sigh. Not another flash sale site. I mean, seriously. 90% of my daily emails come from these kinds of sites; I don’t want one more.

<wants to see price on print, so creates an account anyway>

…Oh…. my… goodness. This site is amazing! 

So, here’s the deal. Brika is like Joss and Main meets Etsy… a mecca of flash sales featuring curated handmade goods by talented artisans! Um, can you say heaven? You know I love me some curated handmade goods! Plus there are profiles about the artists, so the whole experience feels more personal, or maybe like an online craft show? I dunno, but it’s cool, so you should check it out. Bonus: I got a $15 credit just for signing up… not after I refered people and they purchased items and blah, blah, blah… just for signing up! So, there might be a couple of new art prints and an awesome hand-printed infinity scarf heading my way… maybe…

Weekly Wishlist: Emilie Marian Designs

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Weekly Wishlist. So let me waste no time in introducing you to Emilie Marian Designs! Her Etsy shop features an irresistible array of lovelies, from paper goods to stylish iPhone cases. These are just a couple of my favorite items:

iPhone case by EmilieMarianDesigns     notepad by EmilieMarianDesigns

I even had the good fortune to win a set of her stickers:

stickers by emilie marian designs

You can also find more from lovelies from Emilie on her website: FlourishandHope.com

Weekly Wishlist: More Time!!!

Okay, so this is a little different than my usual Weekly Wishlists. I cannot believe that Christmas is 6. Days. Away. Where did December go? Why do I still have a huge to-do list for the holidays? Why haven’t I mailed out my greeting cards yet? Why is my house still only half decorated? Why are my DIY gifts not done? Ack!

::deep breaths::

So, if I had all the time in the world, here are some of the things I’d love to do for this holiday season:

– DIY ornaments (for myself and for gifts), like some of the fantastic ones created by IHeartOrganizing

IHeartOrganizing diy ornaments

– DIY decorations

DIY trees by Shauna Mailloux

– a themed Christmas tree (probably to fit in with my “Winter Wonderland” vision)
– baking and candy-making up a storm

dark chocolate peppermint bark via the lake kitchen
ghirardelli english toffee
martha stewart chocolate truffles
salted caramel fudge via eclectic recipes

– create a way to display all the holiday cards we’ve received (inspiration via IHeartOrganizing)

IHeartOrganizing card display

– DIY-ing some wrapping paper and gift bags
pianted heart bag via v and co

pom pom wrapping via whipperberry

…just to name a few. I guess there’s always next year! 😉

Are you on-track or stressed the %#^& out? Do you have any tips on how I can create more hours in a day?

Want to see more inspiration? Follow me on Pinterest here.