Tag Archives: jewelry

Easy Gift Idea: Silver-Rimmed Bowls

diy lyrics on canvas

This is a super-simple diy that makes for a very easy gift idea. All you need is a small ceramic bowl, a paintbrush, and any paint of your choosing. I prefer metallics for this project, because it gives the look of a gilt edge and adds just a little bit of bling. Who doesn’t need a bit of bling?

Just paint the inside and/or outside edge of your bowl, let dry, and voila! A delightful little way to collect rings, earrings, perfume vials, lip glosses and balms, hair accessories, bracelets, office supplies, or any number of other small, loose items. I filled this one with hair bands to give to my friend for her birthday. I also use one to corral perfume and lip balm on my dresser.

diy gift idea


Sharing with: Creative Spark

Pinterest Challenge: Corkboard Jewelry Display

Pinterest Challenge Winter Edition

Whew! Well, this Pinterest Challenge really lived up to its name! It was a challenge, not for skills required but in satisfaction with the results. I still don’t know if I love it, but it’s a lot better than where I ended up after the first try! So, like with many things, let’s look at where we started to understand where/how/why things ended up like they did 🙂

corkboard jewelry display - diy - crafting - pinterest challenge -- twopurplecouches.com

A few weeks ago, I saw the pin below from Cutting Edge Stencils, (the original comes from Southern Lovely).

Southern Lovely stenciled corkboard

I had an old corkboard lying around so I figured I’d give it a go. I started out by painting the frame a darker coppery color.


I wasn’t in love, but I thought once I added a design on the cork itself, it’d look better.


Not. So. Much. Once again, my crafting impatience struck. Partway through, I decided I wanted a more random pattern than a uniform one. And I was experimenting with different shades of purple. Yea…… not loving it. So, out came the black paint for a frame re-do. Then, I only had the cork to contend with. I was over painting at this point, so I tried craft paper.


Ugh, seriously?

In the end, my fabric scrap bin came in for the win!

corkboard jewelry display - diy - crafting - pinterest challenge -- twopurplecouches.com

And looks much jazzier than craft paper. I like jazzier.

Did you take on the Pinterest Challenge: Winter Edition? Check out more pinspiration in action from Megan, Katie, Sherry and Michelle!