Spring Wish List

Spring Wish List

Guys! I think Spring might actually be coming!! I’ve seen bunches of daffodils cropping up! And just yesterday morning, I spotted buds on a honeysuckle in our backyard!

So, in honor of the signs of the season, I’ve rounded up a Wish List of lovelies that are sure to brighten up your kitchen, bookshelf, and even your wardrobe. Enjoy!

Spring Wish List by Two Purple Couches

1. bon appetite serving tray / 2. Gold Brushstrokes vase / 3. Neon mini bowls / 4. Aztec engraved recipe box / 5. French Lavender soap

Spring Wish List 2 by Two Purple Couches

6. Mountains of Montana pillow  / 7. Playful Peach necklace / 8. Shakespeare bust


8 thoughts on “Spring Wish List

  1. Laura Holmes

    THANKS SO MUCH! You are the sweetest to include our Playful Peach Necklace in this bright & fun round-up for Spring. Love that Bon Appetit tray, too!
    -Laura | Kluster Shop

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      I know, right!? So pretty! I think you could create something similar with gold foil and it’d be gorgeous! I wanted to gold-foil some Easter eggs, but got intimidated by the gold foil instructions! One of these days, I’ll give it a shot!

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