Tag Archives: giveaway

My First Blogiversary!

first blogiversary cupcake

Today is the day, friends! Two Purple Couches is one!

A year ago, I got up enough courage to create a post and hit “publish” for the first time. It was a big leap, to think that anyone would actually be interested in the little crafts I create, or what’s currently on my mantel. But I’m so glad I did it! This year has been so much fun and I’ve gotten to know so many amazing people.

So, to say thanks to all of you, I’m hosting a giveaway. And there will be multiple winners!

blogiversary giveaway first prize

Prizes: 5″x8″ washi Moleskine notebook / mini stuffed owl (handmade by me) / pair of AudreyLaine Collection earrings (I got two of the same pair at the Crafty Supermarket, one for me and one for you!)

blogiversary giveaway second prize

Prizes: 3.5″x5.5″ washi Moleskine notebook / mini stuffed owl (handmade by me)

Here’s how you enter:

– Please COMMENT on this post with the words “Happy Blogiversary”.

– For a BONUS entry, like Two Purple Couches on Facebook.

This giveaway will be up and running until 11:59 p.m. EST on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. I’ll announce the winners on Friday, May 17, 2013. Good luck! I can’t wait to see who the winners are 🙂

Progress Is Progress

I don’t have anything exciting to share with you today (cue disappointed “awww”), but I feel I owe you all a post explaining my recent absence. The reason for this absence is twofold: too many projects underway at one time, and limited time to actually make progress on any of them.

This is what I mean:

dining room with crown moulding

We purchased crown moulding (yea!) But… we have yet to patch it, paint it, and install it. So now it’s hanging out in our dining room with my makeshift growing table.

painting a bathroom  painting a bathroom

We finished painting the small hallway between our kitchen and powder room (yea!) and started on the powder room (another yea!). But… we haven’t even cut in around all the baseboards yet. Last weekend was our anniversary (6 years!), and hanging out together sounded a lot better than painting!

And in the midst of all these started projects, we still have our day jobs, our dog, our somewhat neglected workout schedule, and all the other joys of daily life to juggle.

One step at a time, right?

BUT I did not forget about my blogiversary this week! Please stop back on Thursday for a special post and my first giveaway!