Tag Archives: baking

Weekend Recap

Our weekend can be boiled down to the following: shopping, partying, crafting, eating, drinking and glitterizing. So clearly, it was a pretty good one all around.



The inspiration for these ornaments comes from the lovely and talented Ez of Creature Comforts. I followed her tutorial here to make these clay lollipop ornaments. I started them last Sunday, and finally finished them on Saturday. The clay-rolling and shape-cutting took longer than I expected. And then, since I like to make projects for myself, I decided to paint them in a whole rainbow of rich jewely-tone colors. And then, I decided that the glitter swirlies would look even better if I did them in a monochromatic scheme to match the paint color. Oh, Emily, when are you going to learn to Keep. Things. Simple? Oh what’s that? Never? Oh, okay. Cool.

In short, if I had it to do all over again, I’d do it exactly the same way. I love the tone-on-tone glitter and paint results.


Shifting gears from edible-looking to actually edible, I swung by a local farmer’s market to see my friend’s first public debut of her delicious cupcakes! If you’re anywhere in the Cincinnati, Ohio area, and in need of something delicious, decadent, and spiked with alcohol, do yourself a favor and order some Twisted Sugar cupcakes! I brought home a Gingerbread (pictured) and a Raspberry Bellini cupcake. Yum!

Did you make anything edible-looking or actually edible this weekend?