Recap: Alt for Everyone

alt for everyone

Wow, people. Just. Wow.

I have to start by saying, Alt for Everyone was ah-maze-ing.

Blogging conferences are amazing. Go to one. Even if you don’t blog. You’ll still get something out of it. It’s called inspiration.

alt for everyone - notes - Two Purple Couches

I will definitely be writing a post about the experience of attending an online conference versus an on-location conference. Because it was aΒ veryΒ interesting dynamic. But, not today. Today, I am going to tell you that Alt for Everyone has lit a fire under me. An inspirational fire. A community-building fire. A soul-searching fire.

alt for everyone - moustache

(sorry, couldn’t resist a bit of humor there)

The journey of Two Purple Couches to this point has felt, at least to me, somewhat hap-hazard. And definitely fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants. If you have a different impression, God Bless You.

While I am coming to terms with, and, more importantly, learning to embrace, my shortcomings, I still struggle with qualifying some of my post ideas as “blog-worthy”. Which is so silly, I know. Blogging is, first and foremost, for the writer, not the reader (sorry, but this is how I view it). I sort of feel like a blogger version of Bridget Jones… always reprimanding her shortcomings, never seeing herself in the pretty, positive light that others do. Now, I am not saying any of these things to try to fetch for compliments. I am telling you this for a couple reasons: 1) I need to do some work to further find and define my “blogging purpose”. Why am I here, and more importantly, why areΒ youΒ here? and 2) I feel it’s time we took our relationship a little deeper. I feel like many of my posts just skim the surface of me and who I am. And maybe that’s okay, and maybe some of you are wanting just a bit more out of me. Hi, I’m Emily, and as outgoing as I can seem, I can also be REALLY shy.

So today begins a bit of a new era, if only in my mental approach to this whole blogging thing. But, you’ll begin to see some changes soon, and further down the road. Keep your eyes peeled for a reader survey, because that’s definitely coming soon.

I hope you all had lovely weekends. And, if you had the opportunity to attend Alt for Everyone, or some other equally thought-provoking event, please leave a comment about what’s made an impact on your life recently. If you’re a blogger, do you struggle with defining your purpose or opening up through your posts? How have you been able to do this?


18 thoughts on “Recap: Alt for Everyone

  1. Rachel (@dearwilde)

    Alt For Everyone was amazing! I’m still working to wrap my head around everything I learned this weekend. I struggle with similar things in my blogging life, I’m always wondering whether my content is worth sharing, whether myself as a blogger is something valuable (or is everyone just taking the nod-polite-smile approach and hoping that I shut up?) I know that most of my troubles are related to my confidence as a blogger, and I’m working on getting to that point where I don’t feel like I suck more than anyone else could. πŸ™‚

    Alt was a great experience and I learned a lot of technical things about blogging, but the biggest takeaway for me was the community of bloggers at Alt. I never felt judged by anyone, and I walked away with so many new friends and ideas.
    Rachel (@dearwilde) recently posted…Alt For Everyone is Almost HereMy Profile

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      I think the most incredible thing about blogging is the community. It’s definitely going to take me a while to sort through what I learned and apply it. Some of it I knew I needed to do (like the Branding), but it was great to get more ideas and exercises on how to work through it. I have a cute print on my desk that says “One Day at a Time”… and that’s just how I’ll have to take things!

    2. Bex Beltran

      Hi Rachel! I agree with you and I was happy to walk away with you as a new friend too! You are awesome and I love your ideas!
      Thanks for providing this recap Emily! Looking forward to everything that’s to follow!

  2. Jamie

    You already have done an ALT post? You’re amazing! I still haven’t looked at my notes lol. And you are amazing, never doubt yourself πŸ˜‰
    Jamie @

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      Thanks girl πŸ™‚ I’m rather surprised that I got it together so quickly, but I just sat down at my computer and the fingers flew! I’ve got another one in the works for later this week, too πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to read yours!

  3. Lauren @ The Thinking Closet

    Whoo hoo! I’m SO excited for you, Emily! And I hope this fire that got lit under you just continues to grow and become more inspiring. We all can get stuck in a rut, and I feel like conferences can be great motivators and jump-starters! I felt that way after Haven and FL Blog Con…and I’m feeling sparks of inspiration myself just reading your post here. Looking forward to hearing more of what you learned and seeing the fruits of that learning here at Two Purple Couches in the days ahead!
    Lauren @ The Thinking Closet recently posted…DIY Rake Necklace HangerMy Profile

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      Thanks Lauren πŸ™‚ It is amazing what a conference can do, hahaha! My brain is still teeming with information and inspiration; now I must make it actionable!

  4. Laura @ The Turquoise Home

    The conference sounds awesome, Emily! And sometimes when I question a post the most, or it seems un-blog worthy, that’s when it’s usually makes the most impact. Crazy how that happens! So, keep posting and finding your blogging purpose and voice. You got this, girl! πŸ™‚
    Laura @ The Turquoise Home recently posted…Happy Fall-i-Days Home TourMy Profile

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