Life Letters

homemade waffles

Recently, a topic came up amongst my bloggy friends that got me thinking: how much of our personal lives do we share? And how will our readers respond? And I’m not thinking of what sorts of things we did over the weekend or what lives with our husbands or kids is like, but diving into our backstories. Where we come from. What we’ve been through.

Some bloggers are really good at weaving these stories into their regular content, whether the topic is food or diy or anything in between. And some bloggers are trying to figure out their balance, or if they want to “go there” at all.

So I’ll just come out and say that this is something I struggle with. How much of me do I share? Will you care?

And the reason I struggle with these questions is… I don’t really have a struggle to share.

But, that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be sharing more of myself! So, I’m committing to doing a better job of sharing “the girl behind the blog” with all of you!

So… anything you want to know? Any burning questions?



6 thoughts on “Life Letters

  1. Lauren @ The Thinking Closet

    I love this post, Emily, and that it’s something you’re wrestling with. Even if you feel like you don’t have a “struggle” to share or a deep backstory that needs airing out, I bet you do. I bet what seems normal and ordinary to you is actually quite profound and relatable to others. I know because I’ve gotten to enjoy conversations with you that wander all over the map…and you are a rich person with a rich history. So, yes! Give voice to that history!

    Burning questions: What about blogging gives you life? What about blogging do you hate? What’s the toughest thing about being married? How do you balance working full time and blogging? When do you feel most vulnerable? What dreams do you have that scare you? (And I’ll stop there before I overwhelm you completely…lol.)
    Lauren @ The Thinking Closet recently posted…IKEA Side Table Hack: Such Great HeightsMy Profile

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      Thank you, Lauren, for your sweet comment! I realized this morning that I probably should have phrased this post a tad differently… I do have struggles, but in light of others’, they don’t feel so big. But that doesn’t mean I can’t or shouldn’t share them! Thanks for your burning questions! There’s definitely plenty of fodder here for posts in the near future šŸ˜‰

  2. Kim (TheKimSixFix)

    I hear what you are saying and I feel the same way. Even if I did have something in my backstory (which I really don’t) I don’t have a burning desire to lay it all out there on my blog. I do feel more ‘personable’ on social media (FB, twitter, IG) because I don’t have to convey advice or a tutorial, and it is more casual. But on my blog I feel like I want to keep it professional. If I was working at an office job I’m not sure I would be telling my customers the intimate details of my life.. and that is the way I treat my blog.

    Also. Honestly? I don’t really want people using my personal life against me.. and they do. Just a few minutes on blogger-hate sites and I realize that the people who are the most vulnerable are the ones who put too much out there and open themselves up to questions on their motives for doing so. If I stick to the facts, I don’t have to defend my life choices to people who really shouldn’t have an opinion on them in the first place.

    That is just *my* perspective.. and I am not saying that people who include a lot of personal info on their blog are wrong.. it just isn’t my style. I dont’ think there is one right or wrong way. If you are most comfortable not talking your struggles (whatever they may be) I don’t think you should feel pressured to share them because other bloggers do. It wouldn’t be your authentic self anyhow… and I think that is what people want, the person you feel most comfortable being.
    Kim (TheKimSixFix) recently posted…Crepe Paper Shamrocks (St. Patrick’s Day Kid’s Craft)My Profile

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      Kim, I think you bring up a really interesting point about professionalism, and if our blog is like our business, how much of our stories do we tell beyond what fits with the “product” we’re selling. I think blogging is an interesting beast because as much as it’s business, there’s also a very personal element, especially for those of us writing about our homes or families, where it’s naturally part of the story. Really good, thought-provoking points! And I think your last sentence is spot-on: share the you that you’re most comfortable being. I love that šŸ™‚

  3. Thalita @ The Learner Observer

    I love this post!!! It can be difficult to share, and sometimes I think about how those posts will be viewed months or years after they have been written. Great example: my zucchini lasagna post started out being super personal and it’s my most popular post of all time – because of the recipe! I always wonder how people react when they click over from Pinterest for a recipe and get a dose of me blubbering on about recent life events, then I realize that at least this way people know exactly what I’m like right off the bat? I don’t know… but I will say this: my personal posts have been the most rewarding ones for me because of the responses I have gotten. People DO want to know you because you’re a cool, sweet and interesting person and getting little bits of who you are is SUCH A TREAT!!! šŸ™‚
    Thalita @ The Learner Observer recently posted…Organize Your Medicine Cabinet for $4My Profile

    1. Two Purple Couches Post author

      Thanks my friend! I’m one of those people who would click over from Pinterest to see a recipe and be DELIGHTED to find a cool story about the person behind it. In a way, blogging feels a lot like journaling, and it’s an awesome way to catalogue our lives. It’s just a little weird to remember that people are reading it all the time! šŸ™‚

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