Category Archives: Bloggin’ Machine

Creative Spark Link Party #36

Creative Spark Link Party

I hope your 2015 is off to a fantastic start! I can’t believe we’re nearly one week into the year already! Have you started working toward your new goals and resolutions yet? If not, that’s cool… I can appreciate the “taking it slow” approach (wink).

If one of your goals for the year is to soak up more creativity, well, then you’ve come to the right place! Let’s get this week’s Creative Spark Link Party going!

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Our 2015 House Goals: to finish what we started in 2014! via

Our 2015 House Goals

Our 2015 House Goals: to finish what we started in 2014! via

As I was looking back at some of the house goals I set for us last January, I realized that I sort of got off track. I outlined several goals that I wanted to accomplish last year. Some we checked the boxes on, others we did not. In some cases, we made up and checked boxes as we went.

Case in point: at the outset of 2014, I had no idea we’d give such a gorgeous makeover to our bedroom windows, adding new sills and fancy trim. But we did, and we’re both thrilled with the results.

For our 2015 House Goals, there are definitely a few repeats from last year’s list, and re-assigning projects that didn’t get started (or finished) last year.

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The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Personal Manifesto for 2015

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Forget resolutions. Forget goals. Forget focus words.

This year, it’s all about my personal manifesto.

2014 taught me a lot about blogging, but more importantly, a lot about myself. My passions. My fears. My creativity. My shortcomings. My dreams. And that’s why this year, I’m realigning myself a bit. I soaked up a lot of lessons in 2014, but I believe the most important lesson I learned is that I just need to follow my heart.

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Announcing: Creative Spark Link Party (and a Giveaway!)

Creative Spark Link Party

Today is an exciting day, my friends! Because today marks my first official day as a host for the Creative Spark Link Party! I am so honored and excited to be joined three awesome blogs to host this weekly link-up party. And I hope you’ll come back every Wednesday to check it out. If you’re a blogger yourself, link-up your recent crafts and DIYs (it’s super easy, I promise!). If you’re not a blogger, come on by for a weekly dose of creative inspiration!

And with that, welcome to Week 33 of the Creative Spark Link Party!

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