Category Archives: Bloggin’ Machine

Hooray for Haven!

future haven maven

It. Has. Come!

I have been waiting for this day since I registered on the morning of January 1st. I never thought August would get here! But. It. Is. Here. HERE!

Haven Conference

Today, I leave for Haven a Newbie and on Sunday, I’ll return a Maven! This has got to be some sort of Blogger Bildungsroman (10 points to anyone who can tell me what a bildungsroman is without Googling it first).

I cannot wait to meet other bloggers, learn about community-building, friend-making, diy decorating, and all the ins and outs of planning, designing, advertising, sponsorships, and more. I hope I’m not building this up too much in my mind (because I have a tendency to do that), but I think this is going to be a life-changing weekend. A mind-blowing weekend. A rock-your-socks-off weekend.

Brang it on, ya’ll! I’m ready!

Want to follow along on my Haven adventures? Check out my Instagram feed, where I’m sure I’ll be posting an obnoxious amount of photos 🙂

I’m Kind of a Big Deal

Imagine my surprise as I (finally) sit down and flip through the pages of the July/August issue of HGTV Magazine and see this…

HGTV magazine July/August 2013 issue

Yup. That’s my project. HGTV MAGAZINE PRINTED MY PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commence dancing about and shouting “I’m in a magazine” at random strangers (true story).

holy crap!

Does this make me famous? Maybe not. Probably not.

But is it the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me (after my 12-year-old self meeting her country music idol Bryan White)? Definitely.

Soooooo, yeah. Do I frame the whole page, or just this section of the page?

>>Want to read the harrowing diy details for yourself? Check out my original post here.

Now Available on Bloglovin’!

I’ve finally joined 2013, and you can find Two Purple Couches on Bloglovin’!
So c’mon over, I’d love to see you 😉

Follow on Bloglovin

If you’ve no idea what Bloglovin’ is, don’t worry—neither did I until about 10 minutes ago when I finally looked it up. Bloglovin’ is a way to consolidate the blogs you read into one spot. So far, it seems pretty easy to use, and I’m liking the interface / aesthetics better than the built-in WordPress reader (sorry WordPress).

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Blogiversary Giveaway Winners

Thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Blogiversary and entered my first giveaway! I used a random number generator to draw the winners, and the lucky folks are…

blogiversary giveaway first prize

1st Prize – Kayla at k718

blogiversary giveaway second prize

2nd Prize – Katherine at Pillows A-La-Mode

Congratulations! I’m so excited to share a little of the crafts I love with you!

Please email me at with your address, and I’ll get your goodies on their way!