Creative Spark Link Party #50

Creative Spark Link Party

Today is kind of a big day, folks. First off, it’s Tax Day (boo). Secondly, it’s Creative Spark Wednesday (yay!). And thirdly, it’s my surgery day (also kind of boo).

As you may have guessed, I am taking a little hiatus from our Creative Spark Link Party for the next couple of weeks. But. I don’t want you to miss out on the party, so be sure to head over to Weekend Craft, My Paper Craze and Please Excuse My Craftermath to link up and share your best projects, recipes, crafts and more.

I’ll be back to hosting as soon as I’m feeling up to it!

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4 thoughts on “Creative Spark Link Party #50

  1. Jennie @ Little Girl Designs

    Praying for you, Emily, that you will have a safe surgery and a quick recovery! Take care and rest–the internet will still be here so no need to stress. 🙂 (of course, you know that, I’m just going into mom mode now!) Thanks for hosting this linky party every week. Will be thinking of you!
    Jennie @ Little Girl Designs recently posted…Decorated Clothespin CraftsMy Profile

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