Creative Spark Link Party #47

Creative Spark Link Party

Happy Wednesday, friends! Hope you’re ready for another great week of the Creative Spark Link Party!

My week so far has been full of pre-surgery appointments and reading about post-surgery care (this kind of stuff makes me queasy). If you missed it, I shared the story behind my upcoming surgery in this post. Or, if you’d rather catch up on the lighter side of things (I don’t blame you!), I shared this cute bunny canvas art yesterday.

I’m looking forward to seeing your awesome projects, DIYs, crafts and recipes today! Scroll on down to start linking up!

We know that you are constantly looking for inspiration and we wanted be able to provide a place for you to come for inspiration! So every Wednesday hop on over here to Creative Spark Wednesday where FOUR blogs (that’s right, FOUR): Weekend CraftMy Paper CrazePlease Excuse the Craftermath, and Two Purple Couches join together to feature projects, provide a place for bloggers to link up and a crafting/DIY hub of inspiration. So what is a Link Party? It’s the perfect opportunity to share YOUR projects and gain inspiration from other crafters who are linking up their own! PLUS, as a bonus, when you enter your projects into the link up, you could have your project featured by one of our blogs! Each week, we all choose our own features to post up and show the world AND pin your project to our Party Pinterest Board! Be sure to follow along to get the latest and greatest features from the parties!

Interested in checking out all the crafty inspiration your amazing hosts have to offer? Hit up these social media platforms to get a peek into our world:

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Guest Host Creative Spark Link Party

Creative Spark Link Party Most Clicked with My Paper Craze

Creative Spark Most Clicked: Glitter Backgrounds

Glitter Backgrounds from Designs By Miss Mandee

Features Creative Spark Link Party with My Paper Craze

Creative Spark Feature: Cute Spring Planter

Cute DIY Spring Planter from Bravely

Creative Spark Feature: Moss Bunnies

Moss Covered Bunnies from My Pinterventures

Creative Spark Feature: Aztec Egg Print

Aztec Easter Egg Print from My Someday In May

Grab your FEATURED button here:

Feature Button


Rules Creative Spark Link Party with My Paper Craze


Grab our PARTY BUTTON here:

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Creative Spark Link Party with Weekend Craft, My Paper Craze and Please Excuse My Craftermath...

13 thoughts on “Creative Spark Link Party #47

  1. Lisa

    HI Emily, I had no idea you’re having surgery and will click over to read up on that too. Big hugs and prayers for you. Thank you for hosting another great party friend. I just linked up. have a fabulous day xo Lisa
    Lisa recently posted…Corn PuddingMy Profile

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