Creative Spark Link Party #105

Creative Spark Link Party

Let’s kick off this week’s Creative Spark Link Party!

Happy June! I am kicking off summer by taking the week off of projects to work on some behind-the-scenes stuff around here. I know that doesn’t sound very exciting to you, but I am excited for what’s in the works, and I can’t wait to share it with you soon! (how’s that for a cliffhanger?). But in the meantime, Creative Spark is hoppin’, and I hope you’ll join us!

We know that you are constantly looking for inspiration and we wanted be able to provide a place for you to come for inspiration! So every Wednesday hop on over here to Creative Spark Wednesday where FOUR blogs (that’s right, FOUR): Weekend CraftMy Paper CrazePlease Excuse the Craftermath, and Two Purple Couches join together to feature projects, provide a place for bloggers to link up and a crafting/DIY hub of inspiration. So what is a Link Party? It’s the perfect opportunity to share YOUR projects and gain inspiration from other crafters who are linking up their own! PLUS, as a bonus, when you enter your projects into the link up, you could have your project featured by one of our blogs! Each week, we all choose our own features to post up and show the world AND pin your project to our Party Pinterest Board! Be sure to follow along to get the latest and greatest features from the parties!

Interested in checking out all the crafty inspiration your amazing hosts have to offer? Hit up these social media platforms to get a peek into our world:

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Guest Host Creative Spark Link Party

Creative Spark Link Party Most Clicked with My Paper Craze


Oversized Cross Stitch American Flag from Sadie Seasongoods

Features Creative Spark Link Party with My Paper Craze


Summer Tablescape from Love Create Celebrate


Scrabble Tile Garden Markers from The Homespun Hydrangea


Mini Weavings from A Pretty Fix

Grab your FEATURED button here:

Feature Button


Rules Creative Spark Link Party with My Paper Craze


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Creative Spark Link Party with Weekend Craft, My Paper Craze and Please Excuse My Craftermath...