Tag Archives: home decorating

Decorating Confessional

In the spirit of a New Year, and all the resolution-making happening this week, can I make a confession?

I am terribly nervous to pack away all of the Christmas decorations.

I realize that this sounds silly, but getting all of the usual things back out stirs up all kinds of thoughts and doubts on how to decorate our house. It was nice to focus on Christmas decorations, which obviously fit a set theme. But we’re still figuring out our style (and trying to agree on the same style/s), and as silly as it sounds, thinking about this, plus how to incorporate it into each room, and get all the furniture and art and accents to work together, stresses me out a bit! Okay, maybe more than a bit. Maybe alot.

So I keep trying to remind myself of some of the points that Sherry and John of Young House Love made during their talk at Books by the Banks. Mainly, don’t feel like you have to do everything perfectly, and all at once. Because I feel like this all the time, and I really need a reminder.

Maybe I need to print this out on poster-sized paper and hang it in every room in my house???

Am I the only one who gets stressed out about home decor? Do you have tips on how to deal with stress, home-decor related or otherwise? I always like to remind myself that “stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts”… and I do still have plenty of holiday sweets lying around the kitchen…

My New Year’s Wishlist

I’m tabling my usual “Weekly Wishlist” this week in favor of a more broad look at the year to come, and what I hope it brings, from home projects to life in general. Corny? Maybe. Rife with things resembling “resolutions”? Also maybe. Indulge me.

2013 Wishlist

– paint the following spaces: entryway, my office, family room, kitchen, powder room (pretty much our whole first floor); our master bedroom/bathroom, and maybe our “bonus room”

– reorganize the pantry (and get Tom to follow the system!)

– create a better, combined filing system for all our important documents, tax info, etc

– build bookshelves & a window seat for my office

– install crown molding

– install wall molding if we feel like it / have time to get fancy

– pick out a pattern and fabric so my mom can make us a quilt for our bed

– furnish some of our emptier rooms (dining room, bonus room)

– expand the vegetable garden; try growing some fall/winter items this year! (pumpkins???)

– attend Haven Conference in August

– take a trip to the West Coast (Oregon/Washington) to visit family and friends

– start some personal writing projects (that novel ain’t gonna write itself!)

– try to be more patient and get less discouraged when things don’t work out the way I want them to (oh, this applies to so. many. things.)

– try running again. (reminder to self: take it slowly. starting with intervals is okay. everyone has their own pace.)

Whew. Okay. That sure seems like a lot of stuff. But I think it’s doable! And if it’s not, that’s what the “try to be more patient” item is for šŸ˜‰

What’s on your wishlist for 2013? A special item? A long-awaited project? A personal goal? I’d love to hear what you’re working on in the new year!