Happy Thanksgiving, 2014

What I’m Thankful For: 2014 Edition

Happy Thanksgiving, 2014

To my American friends, I’d like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. To my non-American friends, I’d still like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! Even if today is not a holiday in every corner of the world, the intent behind the holiday is still very special and important to recognize!

Life moves so quickly these days, so I thought I’d start a new tradition around here, and take today to slow down, reflect and share some of the great blessings of the year.

2014 has brought quite a bit of change to our household. For the past year or so, I’ve been toying with the idea of trying to make this blogging thing a full-time gig. And after months, but what felt like years, of debate, I made a move. From a 5-day-a-week, full-time job (that frequently comes home with me on nights and weekends), I cut back to 3 days a week. And I’ve tried to mitigate how often my work follows me home. On the surface, it seems like a simple change, but on the inside, it’s been quite a lot to adjust to. And it has caused me to question myself almost daily.

Did I make the right choice?

Am I moving in the right direction? 

What *is* the “right” direction?

DIY Paint Pen Quote Art via www.twopurplecouches.com

DIY Quote Art

But thankfully, I am blessed with very supportive family and friends. I am blessed with a husband who believes in my passion. I am blessed with parents who always taught me to go after what I want. I am blessed with friends who cheer me on every step of the way. The kinks are starting to work themselves out, but I am sure I’ll still be adjusting well into 2015.



This year also blessed us with the opportunity to take vacations with both of our families, and both times to sunny Florida! Once to Orlando and Disney, and once to the beach on the Gulf Coast. Even though we all live within minutes of each other, it was still so nice to escape from the daily stuff and spend a week exploring and relaxing together.

Money Never Sleeps at Haven Conference #havenconf

On another travel note, I was also blessed with the chance to return to the Haven Conference in Atlanta to revisit with old blogging friends and connect with new ones. I have made so many friends through blogging, some near, and some far. But it is incredible how this crazy Internet thing connects us all! And gives us the opportunity to mail “junk” to each other without anyone getting offended!

Thankful Notes

And finally, I am blessed to have my health, my education, a roof over my head and a stocked pantry. Last week, 24 of my coworkers and I participated in a 24-hour (yes, really) Design Blitz and donated our work to three very deserving local organizations: Elementz, Boys Hope Girls Hope Cincinnati and The Dragonfly Foundation. It was an exhausting, inspiring, emotionally draining and powerful day, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Because when you have the ability to make a difference in just one day, how do you say no?

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends. I hope this year has been good to you, and I hope the holiday season brings you comfort and joy!