Category Archives: Bloggin’ Machine

Creative Spark Link Party #61

Creative Spark Link Party

Happy July 1st!! Can you believe the year is half-over already!? I must admit, I am feeling a bit shocked that the calendar reads July already!

In honor of the approaching holiday weekend, I thought today’s Creative Spark Link Party Features should have a patriotic theme. And they’re all projects you can easily accomplish between now and when the festivities begin on Saturday! You know, if you’re like me and haven’t thought about the holiday at all yet… (wink)

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Creative Spark Link Party #59

Creative Spark Link Party

Another Wednesday, another fabulous Creative Spark Link Party in the works! I hope you’re having a wonderful week, my friends. We spent last week in San Francisco, so I am getting back to my usual routine this week—oh, and celebrating my birthday tomorrow! Though 31 isn’t nearly as exciting as 30 was, haha!

Now let’s get on with the party…

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